The TextProgram extends a Program
to display text by using a 8x8 pixels monospace bitmapfont.
It can handle multiple Text
-instances and uses a BMFontData
by default.
@:value({ growBufferSize : 1024, minBufferSize : 1024 })new(?fontData:BMFontData, ?textOptions:TextOptions, minBufferSize:Int = 1024, growBufferSize:Int = 1024)
Creates a new TextProgram
fontData | the BMFontData what specifies the bitmap-font |
textOptions | the TextOptions what is used as defaults if not set inside of a Text instance |
minBufferSize | how many glyphes the buffer should contain as a minimum |
growBufferSize | the size by which the buffer should grow when it is full |
@:value(new Array<Text>())read onlytexts:Array<Text> = new Array<Text>()
Contains all added Text
@:value({ fgColor : 0xf0f0f0ff, bgColor : 0, letterWidth : 8, letterHeight : 8, letterSpace : 0, lineSpace : 0, zIndex : 0 })defaultOptions:TextOptions = { fgColor : 0xf0f0f0ff, bgColor : 0, letterWidth : 8, letterHeight : 8, letterSpace : 0, lineSpace : 0, zIndex : 0 }
These are the default TextOptions
values that are used if an option has not been defined within the Text
@:value({ updateDefaultOptions : false })add(text:Text, updateDefaultOptions:Bool = false):Void
Adds a Text
to the program.
text | the Text instance to add |
updateDefaultOptions | to force an update of the programs default options |
@:value({ updateDefaultOptions : false })update(text:Text, updateDefaultOptions:Bool = false):Void
Updates the changes of a Text
isntance that have been added.
text | the Text instance to update |
updateDefaultOptions | to force an update of the programs default options |
@:value({ updateDefaultOptions : false })updateAll(updateDefaultOptions:Bool = false):Void
Updates the changes of all Text
instances that have been added.
updateDefaultOptions | to force an update of the programs default options |
Removes a Text
from the program.
text | the Text instance to remove |
Removes all Text
instances that have been added.
create(x:Int, y:Int, textString:String, textOptions:TextOptions):Text
Create a new Text
instance automatically by a defined text-string and adds it.
text | the Text instance to update |
Inherited Variables
The Display
instances in which the program is contained.
read onlybuffer:BufferInterface
@:value(true)isVisible:Bool = true
Shows or hides the program during rendering.
@:value(true)colorEnabled:Bool = true
To enable or disable color rendering, e.g. disable to only render into the stencil-buffer by drawing a mask.
To enable or disable the color/alpha blendmode.
@:value(false)blendSeparate:Bool = false
Use a separate blend-function for the alpha channel if the blendmode is enabled.
Separate blend-function for the alpha channel if blendSeparate is true.
for the destination colors if into blendmode.
for the source alpha channel if into blendmode.
for the destination alpha channel if into blendmode.
for the color channels if into blendmode.
for the alpha channel if into blendmode.
To enable or disable rendering into the depth-buffer.
@:value(Mask.OFF)mask:Mask = Mask.OFF
To use the stencil-buffer for masking or to draw into it to use it afterwards by another program.
@:value(false)clearMask:Bool = false
Clears the stencil-buffer.
Enable automatic shader generation for functioncalls what set, add or remove textures (also for snapToPixel, discardAtAlpha, shadercode-injection, formula and precision changes)
Inherited Methods
Shows the program during rendering.
Hides the program during rendering.
Returns true is this program is inside the RenderList of a Display
@:value({ addBefore : false })addToDisplay(display:Display, ?atProgram:Program, addBefore:Bool = false):Void
Adds this program to the RenderList of a Display
Can be also used to change the order (relative to another program) if it is already added.
display | Display instance |
atProgram | (optional) to add or move before or after another program in the RenderList (by default at start or at end) |
addBefore | (optional) if 'true' it's added before another program or at start of the Renderlist (by default it's added after atProgram or at end) |
Removes this program from the RenderList of a Display
@:value({ varDefaults : null, formula : "" })setColorFormula(formula:String = "", ?varDefaults:StringMap<Color>, ?autoUpdateTextures:Bool):Void
Set a formula to combine the colors of @texUnit
s together with the @color
attributes of an element.
formula | a String what contains the color formula |
varDefaults | defines the default colors by a Map with the texUnit identifiers as keys |
autoUpdateTextures | set it to true (update) or false (no update), otherwise the .autoupdateTexture property is used |
@:value({ uniformFloats : null, uTimeUniformEnabled : false, glslCode : "" })injectIntoVertexShader(glslCode:String = "", uTimeUniformEnabled:Bool = false, ?uniformFloats:Array<UniformFloat>, ?autoUpdateTextures:Bool):Void
Inject custom glsl code into the vertexshader of a program.
glslCode | a String what contains the glsl code |
uTimeUniformEnabled | if true you can use the global time uiform |
uniformFloats | an Array of custom UniformFloat s |
autoUpdateTextures | set it to true (update) or false (no update), otherwise the .autoupdateTexture property is used |
@:value({ uniformFloats : null, uTimeUniformEnabled : false, glslCode : "" })injectIntoFragmentShader(glslCode:String = "", uTimeUniformEnabled:Bool = false, ?uniformFloats:Array<UniformFloat>, ?autoUpdateTextures:Bool):Void
Inject custom glsl code into the fragmentshader of a program.
glslCode | a String what contains the glsl code |
uTimeUniformEnabled | if true you can use the global time uiform |
uniformFloats | an Array of custom UniformFloat s |
autoUpdateTextures | set it to true (update) or false (no update), otherwise the .autoupdateTexture property is used |
setFormula(name:String, newFormula:String, ?autoUpdateTextures:Bool):Void
Define formulas to change the calculation for element attributes at runtime
name | a String with the attribute identifier |
newFormula | a String what contains the formula |
autoUpdateTextures | set it to true (update) or false (no update), otherwise the .autoupdateTexture property is used |
Set the float precision for the fragmentshader
precision | a String what can be "low", "medium" or "high" |
autoUpdateTextures | set it to true (update) or false (no update), otherwise the .autoupdateTexture property is used |
setFragmentIntPrecision(?precision:String, ?autoUpdateTextures:Bool):Void
Set the integer precision for the fragmentshader
precision | a String what can be "low", "medium" or "high" |
autoUpdateTextures | set it to true (update) or false (no update), otherwise the .autoupdateTexture property is used |
Set the sampler2D precision for the fragmentshader
precision | a String what can be "low", "medium" or "high" |
autoUpdateTextures | set it to true (update) or false (no update), otherwise the .autoupdateTexture property is used |
setVertexFloatPrecision(?precision:String, ?autoUpdateTextures:Bool):Void
Set the float precision for the vertexShader
precision | a String what can be "low", "medium" or "high" |
autoUpdateTextures | set it to true (update) or false (no update), otherwise the .autoupdateTexture property is used |
setVertexIntPrecision(?precision:String, ?autoUpdateTextures:Bool):Void
Set the integer precision for the vertexShader
precision | a String what can be "low", "medium" or "high" |
autoUpdateTextures | set it to true (update) or false (no update), otherwise the .autoupdateTexture property is used |
Set the sampler2D precision for the vertexShader
precision | a String what can be "low", "medium" or "high" |
autoUpdateTextures | set it to true (update) or false (no update), otherwise the .autoupdateTexture property is used |
snapToPixel(?pixelDivisor:Float, ?autoUpdateTextures:Bool):Void
Activate pixelsnapping
pixelDivisor | a Float multiplicator at which snapping is to take place, set it to null to disable pixelsnapping |
autoUpdateTextures | set it to true (update) or false (no update), otherwise the .autoupdateTexture property is used |
discardAtAlpha(?atAlphaValue:Float, ?autoUpdateTextures:Bool):Void
From which alpha value the pixels are discarded.
atAlphaValue | a Float value for the alpha limit (0.0 to 1.0 ), set it to null to disable discarding |
autoUpdateTextures | set it to true (update) or false (no update), otherwise the .autoupdateTexture property is used |
setTexture(texture:Texture, ?identifier:String, ?autoUpdateTextures:Bool):Void
Assign a Texture
instance to a texture-layer (by identifier).
texture | Texture instance |
identifier | texture-layer identifier (optional) - without it, the first available or "default" is used |
autoUpdateTextures | set it to true (update) or false (no update), otherwise the .autoupdateTexture property is used |
setMultiTexture(textureUnits:Array<Texture>, ?identifier:String, ?autoUpdateTextures:Bool):Void
Assign multiple Texture
instances to a texture-layer (by identifier). Can switch between them by using an @texUnit("identifier")
integer attribute inside the Element.
textureUnits | an Array of Texture instances |
identifier | texture-layer identifier (optional) - without it, the first available or "default" is used |
autoUpdateTextures | set it to true (update) or false (no update), otherwise the .autoupdateTexture property is used |
addTexture(texture:Texture, ?identifier:String, ?autoUpdateTextures:Bool):Void
Adds a Texture
to a texture-layer (by identifier). Can switch between them by using an @texUnit("identifier")
integer attribute inside the Element.
texture | Texture instance |
identifier | texture-layer identifier (optional) - without it, the first available or "default" is used |
autoUpdateTextures | set it to true (update) or false (no update), otherwise the .autoupdateTexture property is used |
removeTexture(texture:Texture, ?identifier:String, ?autoUpdateTextures:Bool):Void
Removes a Texture
from a texture-layer (by identifier) or from all layers where it is used.
texture | Texture instance |
identifier | texture-layer identifier (optional) |
autoUpdateTextures | set it to true (update) or false (no update), otherwise the .autoupdateTexture property is used |
removeAllTexture(?identifier:String, ?autoUpdateTextures:Bool):Void
Removes all Texture
s of a texture-layer (by identifier) or removes all textures from all layers.
identifier | texture-layer identifier (optional) |
autoUpdateTextures | set it to true (update) or false (no update), otherwise the .autoupdateTexture property is used |
@:value({ identifier : null })hasTexture(texture:Texture, ?identifier:String):Bool
Returns true
if the program or a specific texture-layer contains a texture.
texture | Texture instance |
identifier | texture-layer identifier, if set to null it searches into all texture-layers |
autoUpdateTextures | set it to true (update) or false (no update), otherwise the .autoupdateTexture property is used |
Updates all texture changes and recompiles the shader.
To set the opengl index manually if using multiple textures.
texture | Texture instance |
index | Integer value for the index (starts by 0 ) |